Having a real time vision of its transports, being the first to be informed of events…The delivery of its customers has become a real differentiation service.
With the mobile application Live by DDS , you receive real-time alerts, shipment tracking lists and KPIs.
Know where the merchandise is ? To be sure that the customer has been delivered? You’re not the only one with this concern… Your logistics department is regularly solicited by different collaborators such as sales representatives, buyers, warehouse teams…
With the Live by DDS mobile application, your company’s departments have permanent access to information on the tracking of goods, deliveries, … Without overwhelming your logistics department with questions.
For example, a sales representative will have access to the number of shipments made on his customer portfolio, alerts in case of delays and a list of orders in delivery today.
Being alerted in real time in the event of a major incident, having a personalised view of the smooth running of your transport subjects; this is the role of the mobile application Live by DDS. Connected natively to all our transport software, Live by DDS consists of two tabs :
Live by DDS is the solution to ensure the performance of this essential link in the supply chain that is transport.
The application is available on Androïd and IOS, downloadable on AppStore and Google Play and connects natively to our TMS.